Lynn Miclea
Thriller, Mystery, Science Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs
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- Books
- Member Since
Feb 2021
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
30 November
- Profession
LYNN MICLEA is a writer, author, musician, and dog lover. After retiring, she has written numerous short stories is now a successful author with many books published and more on the way.
She has published books in various genres including thrillers, mysteries, science fiction, romance, paranormal, memoirs, grammar books, self-help guided imagery, and children’s stories (fun animal stories about kindness, believing in yourself, helping others, and being more than you ever thought possible).
She hopes that through her writing she can help empower others, stimulate people’s imagination, and open new worlds as she entertains with powerful and heartfelt stories.
Originally from New York, Lynn currently lives in Southern California with her loving and supportive husband.